Sip The Tea

The gossip, truth, rumors, sources, and commentary on Alida Moberg's toxic relationship with Bill Skarsgård

I only have this blog for the purposes of answering questions. Any posts, media, news, or gossip will be directly made here.

The Second Pregnancy: Real Or Fake?

Did Alida Morberg Fake her second pregnancy?


Though there has been a debate on Alida's first child (Oona Morberg) since her birth, as to whether Bill Skarsgård is the paternal father or not, the second pregnancy (Minou Morberg-Skarsgård) was even more questionable. Namely, because Alida did not appear to be pregnant at all. From the very start, the way her belly bump fluctuated from event to event left people questioning if she was legitimately carrying a child or not. The announcement of this pregnancy also came right on the cusp of rumors that Bill Skarsgård had finally broken up with her and was having a relationship with another woman. When things seemed to be the worst between Alida and Bill, she was suddenly pregnant (just as it happened the first time when she appeared with Oona circa 2019). The first pregnancy was far more authentic and left less room for questioning the authenticity. The second time around, things became odd. 


These photos were taken one day apart


Alida routinely showed up in various places where her belly bump shrunk or grew due to whatever level of pregnancy she needed to appear to be. There were many times within her 9-month growth period when she looked like she wasn't pregnant at all and some days during certain photo ops she was huge. She would sit, bend, and turn in ways that the bump would vanish entirely. There are photos where she's allegedly 8 months pregnant where you can't see any hint of a belly at all. Over time the belly would turn, shrink, grow, or even seem to indent in the side when she pressed down on it. As you can see from the photo above, her head looks pasted onto the body of another woman with all of the padding she added to her body to make sure that her pregnancy popped for her media appearance. The day before you could barely tell she was pregnant at all (and is not wearing a maternity dress). How did she become so large in one day only to shrink back down (when convenient) and balloon back up, right when she needed to be huge for her baby shower? 


Source: Ingelaviolamakeup on Instagram


The above image is from an Instagram account that Alida follows. They were working on this fake pregnancy belly within the time that Alida was pregnant and the belly was mysteriously finished exactly on the day that Alida needed to appear for a premiere with Bill Skarsgård (specifically the Burn All My Letters premiere). An appearance that lasted for only enough time that Alida could make an appearance and then leave, all the while behaving oddly while Bill very much appeared as if he didn't want to touch her. This belly very well could have been worn for that premiere, though there is no proof to these claims, there's a lot of circumstantial evidence surrounding it. For more information please view this video