Sip The Tea

The gossip, truth, rumors, sources, and commentary on Alida Moberg's toxic relationship with Bill Skarsgård

I only have this blog for the purposes of answering questions. Any posts, media, news, or gossip will be directly made here.

Is The Official Breakup Imminent?

It seems as though Bill done with Alida For Good


Starting in 2023, after the birth of their alleged second child (Minou Morberg-Skarsgård) Alida fell fairly silent on social media. Though she spent the vast majority of 2022 promoting her pregnancy and making an absolute fool of herself, by the time the baby was supposed to be born she flew off to South Africa to have the baby and hide any details of her birth. Something which has led a lot of people to believe the pregnancy was not legitimate and either a surrogate or adoption was involved (not a natural birth). Over the next year on social media other than a few "accidental" (on purpose) leaks of the new baby, Alida has been relatively silent. She hasn't made any new posts on her Instagram account and has only periodically shared stories. Over that time very few photos of her and Bill surfaced as well. This is odd for a couple that just had a second child and are so allegedly in love with each other. In total, there were only three photos of the "couple" together in the former year.



Bill having a fun time with co-workers


The first photo appeared on Alida's birthday where she "accidentally" captioned Bill as being her husband due to a translation error that many people believe she used to her advantage. Months passed and it wasn't until August that she appeared again with Bill in the most out-of-place situation imaginable. A premiere for Fares Fares's new movie. Something that a lot of people found to be in poor taste given her known relationship with Fares and what happened between them so many years ago. The photo of them together appeared to be very awkward and uncomfortable, with both parties seeming miserable. The photos that were collected from the actual event were even worse with people not looking very comfortable around Alida and Bill not posing with her for any additional photographs. Shortly after that point, there was an art gallery event they both attended where Bill avoided Alida like the plague. Though there were couple photos featured during that party, Bill and Alida were not posed together on purpose (or accidentally). It looked as though Bill couldn't have wanted to be further away from her. 


Birthday Photo, Fares Premiere, Art Gallery, Disney World


About a month after that, another photo of them surfaced with Alida walking in front of him while he was in Disney World while he looked like he's on a death march behind her. When the photo was taken is in question (as well as who took it and how it got leaked). Alida has had a history of finding people to capture her before with Bill to make it look like they are still together. Yet, she failed to get any footage or photos with him over the holidays and Bill appeared in several photos with co-workers looking much more alive and happy than he has in years. This has led to rumors that he's possibly in a relationship with one of them (the same woman people believed he was with before Alida became pregnant again in 2022 and started to make an absolute spectacle of herself). As of now, it is speculated that the couple has officially separated. With Alida's birthday coming up in three days, it remains to be seen if she will get a photo with Bill. It seems the entire year he's gone out of his way to avoid being anywhere near her (and also gone out of his way to make appearances in every place that she isn't in with other people having a good time). Will 2024 bring an official announcement to the end of their partnership? We can only hope so.